Thursday, February 23, 2012

Swordfish ... on a stick!

Hello again, fellow food lovers!

It's definitely summer time here in South Florida. Never mind the snow and the chill on the other parts of the country, but here, the sweltering heat has already started!And what better way to announce the change of seasons than to get the grill fired-up and burn (ahem...cook) something that's skewered. For your viewing pleasure, we have taken some swordfish and assorted veggies and made some kebabs that eventually made it onto the grill.

First, find some really fresh swordfish steaks approximately 1/2-to-3/4 inches thick. The reason being is that this type of fish cooks-up really, really fast. So buy it thick, and keep a close eye on it while its on the grill. Next, you will cut the fish into cubes, and alternately skewer them along with whichever veggies you choose to use with this, keeping in mind that we eat with our eyes first. For this kebab, we used red onions and red peppers. Just be sure to cut them close to the same size as your swordfish cubes, so everything cooks at about the same rate. (Note: if you're using wooden skewers, soak them in water for at least 1 hour before using them, unless you want burnt skewers. If you're using metal skewers, then no problemo -- No soaking is necessary.)

You don't need a lot of seasoning for the fish, just the RIGHT seasoning. Some sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, garlic and lemon, and you're ready to start grilling. Get your grill going strong at roughly a medium flame, then oil up your grill and place your skewers down. I would say4-5 minutes per side and your done, unless you want it a little charred then go maybe 1-2 more minutes per side. Basting it with some melted butter while its still on the grill is an excellent way to do this "charring" as well. Be cautious and remember this fish cooks fast, and with the butter the flames will get hotter. Don't overcook it, or it will get dry and not taste so good. Flavor is what you're after!

There are many side dishes that would go well with this, but we chose to serve this over a bed of couscous pilaf.


  1. This is a really lovely dish! I love swordfish, perfect recipe for the coming season!

  2. Sword fish sounds like an exotic ingredient but it looks delicious with that seasoning and presentation.
