Friday, February 8, 2008

Spice Of Life

Cooking is much like life. Different ingredients are needed inorder to have what one may consider a "good" life. Those ingredients are the “spices of life”, the variety which makes life interesting, fun, sometimes excruciating but nonetheless, an exciting journey.

I am originally from the Philippines - was born and raised in Cebu, the place touted to be the Queen City of the South. But my mother came from the culinary center of my homeland, the region of Pampanga, in the northern part of the Philipines. My mother loved to cook and was good at it. Even at an early age, my Mom trained me how to cook. I remember standing on a stool next to her in front of the stove, so I can do the stir-frying. That's how she cultivated within me the love for cooking.

And then as God would have it, I got married to a wonderful man who happens to have a passion for cooking.

Neither my husband nor I have gone to culinary school. My husband, though, has had 14 years of restaurant experience. As for me, cooking is just a result of my appreciation for food, even more so triggered by watching Foodnetwork, subscribing to food magazines and collecting cookbooks all through these years.

This blog is meant to chronicle our adventures (and misadventures) in the kitchen where east meets west, so to speak. It is also my way of giving you a glimpse of my homeland's cuisine accompanied by little anecdotes about our people and our complex but nevertheless interesting culture. Finally, it is my hope that this blog will inspire you to create something from your kitchen.

So here are a few recipes, for a homecooking made simple.

Welcome to my blog.


Anonymous said...

yay! how wonderful...I'm going to be reading your blog a LOT when I move to NC...I'm going to need cooking ideas, lol.

By the way, I told Alex I'd cook a Valentine's dinner for him. Any suggestions??? Something delicious, but not toooo difficult. :-)

Jescel said...

Steak is very easy to do and you love it. Rib-eyes! I'll send you a link for the recipe.